Клювогрудая черепаха. Chersine Merrem = Клювогрудые черепахи. Черепаха, черепахи: биология, экология, размножение, поведение, питание, враги

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Род: Chersine = Клювогрудые черепахи


Род: Chersine Merrem = Клювогрудые черепахи

Монотипический: Chersina angulata (Schweigger 1812), Kцnigsberg. Arch. Naturwiss. Math. 1:321, 360, 443.

ORIGINAL NAME: Testudo angulata.


TYPE: Not designated, althou gh in his original description, Schweigger 1812, Kцnigsberg. Arch. Naturwiss. Math. 1:321, specifically noted that he examined two specimens in the Paris museum (? =MNHN). According to Crumly (personal communication), SMF 7857, a stuffed specimen received from MNHN, is not the specimen from which Schweigger provided measurements, but may be the second specimen, a syntype.

TYPE LOCALITY: "Patria ignota" (=country unknown).

DISTRIBUTION: Republic of South Africa and Namibia, from East London in Cape Province, west and north to the mouth of the Orange River, below 900 m. elevation.


COMMENT: Reviewed by Loveridge and Williams 1957, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 115:163-557, and Greig and Burdett 1976, Zool. Africana 11(2):250-267.


STATUS: CITES: Appendix II. See Honegger 1980, In: Dollinger, CITES Ident. Manual 3: A-301.011.002.001:1-2.



COMMON NAME: Bowsprit tortoise, Angulated tortoise.

Angulate Tortoise Chersina angulata *


This was a common tortoise of the scrubby sand dunes in West Coast NP, a half-day's drive up the coast from Cape Town. We saw something like 30 (!) during our few hours; ma ny smaller ones were crossing the road or seen at the road's edge. Unfortunately this was the only species we saw alive, A dead Tent Tortoise Psammobates tentorius was on the road enroute to Brandvlei. About 30% of the world's tort oises occur in southern Africa, and 12 species are endemic to this region.