Догания. Dogania Gray, 1844 = Догании. Черепаха, черепахи: биология, экология, размножение, поведение, питание, враги

9870 St Vincent Place, Glasgow, DC 45 Fr 45.

+1 800 559 6580

Род: Dogania Gray, 1844 = Догании


Вид: Dogania subplana = Догания

Небольшая, до 25 см длиной, догания (Dogania subplana) отличается непропорционально большой и толстой головой. Общая окраска у нее серовато-коричненая с четырьмя темными пятнышками на спине. На вытянутой шее с боков видно по большому красному пятну. Догания живет в Бирме, Таиланде, на Больших Зондских и Филиппинских островах. При содержании в неволе она проявляет мирный характер, охотно ест мясо и дождевых червей, но отказывается от рыбы.


Identification: The Asian softshell turtle has a flat, oval, carapace with distinctly straight sides. The head is unusually large, bearing a pig-like snout. The carapace is covered with skin, and is dark olive or brown with a dark median stripe and two or three pairs of black-centerd eye-like spots, a pattern most distinct in juveniles and fades with growth. ФотоThe plastron is cream or gray. In juveniles, a reddish blotch occurs behind the eyes, which disappears in the adults. Adults develop a hinge on the carapace that presumably allows them to hide under boulders along streams.

Natural history: A species from the highlands, the Asian softshell turtle, inhabits clear rocky mountain streams. It is capable of inflicting a painful bite and therefore should be handled carefully. The large head of the turtle is thought to be adapted for cracking the shells of molluscs, such as snails, although almost nothing else of its biology is on record.

Distribution: The Asian softshell turtle is found in southern Myanmar, south to Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, in addition to the islands of Java, Sumatra, Borneo and some of the islands of the Philippines.